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___________ B B S S O F T W A R E ___________
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/T\empest BBS Config v3.xx Documentation
(DATE: 06-08-94)
( 1st Edition )
(C) 1990-94
Author: Michael Bockert
Previous Author: Rick Rumer
Original Author: Tim Hatzenbeler
Documentation Done By: Michael Bockert
Thanks to Michael Mehmet & Others for their ideas.
CHAPTER I - Notices
1-1 /T\empest BBS Config Utility Info...................00
CHAPTER II - Configuration Screens
2-1 System Configuration Menu...........................00
2-2 Node Configuration Menu.............................00
2-3 Define Major Paths Menu.............................00
2-4 Modem Settings Menu.................................00
2-5 Node Flags (Customize BBS) Menu.....................00
2-6 Message Base Editing (Split)........................00
2-7 File Base Editing (Split)........................00
2-8 Conference Editing (Joined)........................00
2-9 Min. Logon Baud Rates...............................00
2-10 Min. Logon Security Levels..........................00
2-11 F-Keys Offline......................................00
2-12 F-Keys Online.......................................00
2-13 New User Questions..................................00
2-14 Adjust the Colors...................................00
APPENDIX A - Troubleshooting
1-1 /T\empest BBS Config Utility Info
CHAPTER II - Configuration Menu & Screens
Tempest BBS Setup & Configuration Utility Program NODE=' 1'
1 - System Configuration 16 - Make ALL BBS Files & Dirs
2 - Node Configuration 17 - Make DESCRIBE Files
3 - Define Major Paths 18 - Make a List of BBS Areas
4 - Modem Settings 19 - Remove Deleted Files
5 - System Flags (Customize BBS) 20 -
6 - Message Base Editing (Split) 21 - Account Presets
7 - File Base Editing (Split) 22 - Remove DELETED accounts
8 - Conference Editing (Joined) 23 - Sort Users By Security Level
9 - Min. Logon Baud Rates 24 - Global Expert Toggle
10 - Min. Logon Security Levels 25 - Global OPTION Flags Toggle
11 - F-Keys Offline 26 - Global Area Activate
12 - F-Keys Online 27 - Global Account Editing
13 - New User Questions
14 - Adjust the Colors
(C)hange Node, (E)xit/Save, (L)oad Data Again, (S)ave:
2.1 System Configuration Menu
1) System Name.............: Dawn of Eternity
2) Location of System......: Des Moines, Iowa
3) System Operator.........: The Skeleton
4) Password: System Entry..: YES
5) Password: New User......:
6) Password: Sysop Commands:
7) Password: Remote Shell..:
8) Password: Local Access..:
9) Password: Local Logon...:
10) Number of Nodes.........: 8
11) Font Name...............: jrcibm.font
12) Font Size...............: 8
13) Sysop Chat ANSI Color...: 34
14) Users Chat ANSI Color...: 33
15) Low Warning Upload Space: 20 Meg(s)
16) Required Upload Space...: 2 Meg(s)
17) Upload Time Reward %....: 150%
18) Maximum Users Allowed...: 600
19) Maximum Pages Per Call..: 3
20) Lock Users ViewMode.....: 5
21) Window to Front Options.: Logon (Yes) Chat Signal (Yes)
2-1.1 System Name
The actual name of your BBS System.
2-1.2 Location of System
The actual location of your BBS System.
2-1.3 System Operator
The name of the system operator (sysop)
2-1.4 Password: System Entry
Password required for a user to enter the BBS. This is a front end
password that requires a user to know the password to logon the BBS.
To disable this password, leave the entry blank.
2-1.5 Password: New User
Password required for any new user to apply and fill out an
To disable this password, leave the entry blank.
2-1.6 Password: Sysop Commands
Password required for sysop(s) and co-sysop(s) to access high level
sysop related commands.
To disable this password, leave the entry blank.
2-1.7 Password: Remote Shell
Passord required for accessing remote shell and dos commands from the
BBS. This password is required! If the sysop has not defined this
password then the remote shell and dos commands become inactive.
Remote Shell is required to have a password no matter what. This has
been done for security!
2-1.8 Password: Local Access
Password required for a person to do sysop logon, local logon, or
account editing from the local computer. (At your house). This is
a password you would use if you had freinds over or didn't want anyone
in your house messing with the BBS while you are gone.
To disable this password, leave the entry blank.
2-1.9 Password: Local Logon
Password to be used by sysops localy only!.. Lets them bypass user's
passwords so they can logon as anyone without knowing the user's
2-1.10 Number of Nodes
Number of Nodes/Lines the BBS has installed. If you have a local node
installed for sysop use, then this node counts as well to the number
of total lines. Usually local node is at the end of the list.
2-1.11 Font Name
Defined Font for Tempest to use.
2-1.12 Font Size
Defined Font size. Recommended to use only size 8, so that everything
shows up correctly. Some fonts may not work with Tempest.
2-1.13 Sysop Chat ANSI Color
Sysop Chat color. This is the color of all text typed by the sysop
when they are in chat with a user.
2-1.14 Users Chat ANSI Color
User's Chat color. This is the color of all text typed by the user
when they are in chat with the sysop.
2-1.15 Low Warning Upload Space
This is the amount of hard drive space that has to be free before the
BBS will display a warning to the users that there is low hard drive
space and to inform the sysop, or if they are co-sysops, to make some
new hard drive space soon. The bbs will display the text file:
LowUploadSpace.txt in the Text directory.
This setting should be higher than required upload space, unless you
want to disable this option.
2-1.16 Required Upload Space
This is the amount of hard drive space that has to be free before the
BBS will allow any uploads. The bbs will display the text file:
NoUploadSpace.txt in the Text directory. This is used to inform users
that there is no more upload space on the hard drive and to inform the
sysop of the problem.
Minimum setting is 1 meg, recommended 2 megs!
2-1.17 Upload Time Reward %
This is the time reward bonus percentage for uploads. Basicly it takes
the time it took the user to upload and takes a percentage of that and
gives the user back some time. If set to 0, they get no extra time where
as 100% would give them there time back that it took to do the transfer.
Maximum setting is 250%
Recommended setting of: 150%
2-1.18 Maximum Users Allowed
This is the user limit that you define for your system. Once you gain
the number of users specified in this field, the BBS will no longer
allow new users to apply. Make sure to set this number high enough
so you don't lock out new users from applying to your system, if you
want new users.
Recommended setting of: 500 or whatever you think is enough.
2-1.19 Maximum Pages Per Call
This is the maximum times a user can page the sysop during a call.
If the sysop enters chat with the user, the counter is reset and they
are allowed to page up to the limit once again.
Maximum setting of: 250
Recommended setting of: 2-4
2-1.20 Lock Users ViewMode
Locked view mode you wish users to use for the file listings. There
are many different display modes for the file listings. This setting
just defines the default you want all users to start with.
Recommended setting of: 5 (Classic File Listing)
2-1.21 Window to Front Options
This allows you to define whether you want the screen to come to the
front when 1) a user logs on to the BBS, 2) if a user pages the sysop
the screen will come to the front. You can turn them both off, both
on, or either way on/off.
2.2 Node Configuration Menu
1) Current Node Number..............: 22 22) Callers Log......: On
2) Today's Calls to this Node.......: 3223 23) CL: Msg Base.....: On
3) Total Calls to this Node.........: 1000000 24) CL: File Transfer: On
4) Priority: Normal System Operation: 1 25) CL: Doors........: On
5) Priority: File Transfers.........: 1
6) Priority: Doors and Modules......: 1
7) Node Status (Real/Local) Node....: Real Node
8) Auto Iconify When Starting Up....: Iconify
9) Open Screen Behind All Others....: No 26) SysopActivity Log: On
10) Bit Planes [1-4].................: 3 27) Debug Log........: On
11) Interlace Mode...................: Off 28) Capture Log......: Off
12) OverScan Mode....................: Off 29) Capture Filter...: On
13) Half Screen Mode.................: Off
14) Use Tilde Codes in Text Files....: Yes
15) Sleep Logoff Timeout (in minutes): 5
16) Upload File Type Prompt..........: None
17) Minimum Access Level, this node..:
18) Password: Needed to logon node...:
2-2.1 Current Node Number
Current node number you are editing settings for. You can not change
to another node's settings by just chaning this number however! That
must be done on the main menu with the (C) command.
2-2.2 Today's Calls to this Node
Calls made today to this node.
2-2.3 Total Calls to this Node
Total calls made to this node since it went online.
2-2.4 Priority: Normal System Operation
Task Priority setting for main bbs operation.
Warning: Using high task priorities can actually slow up operation!
Going higher than one actually causes problems!
Recommended setting of: 1
2-2.5 Priority: File Transfers
Task Priority setting for file transfers.
Warning: Using high task priorities can actually slow up operation!
Going higher than one actually causes problems!
Recommended setting of: 1
2-2.6 Priority: Doors and Modules
Task Priority setting for doors and modules.
Warning: Using high task priorities can actually slow up operation!
Going higher than one actually causes problems!
Recommended setting of: 1
2-2.7 Node Status (Real/Local) Node
Whether you want this node to be a Real Node (Active) or if you want
it to be a Local Node (No Serial Routines).
Real Nodes are for all active lines hooked up to a modem.
Local Node is a sysop only node that is not hooked up to a serial port.
2-2.8 Auto Iconify When Starting Up
This setting will determine whether the bbs opens up un-iconified or
if it is iconified when first loaded.
Recommend to open it in Iconify mode! Since text scrolls slows up
the computer.
2-2.9 Open Screen Behind All Others
This setting is only valid if you are opening the bbs in un-iconify
mode. All it does is simple when the node is loaded, the window it
opens up goes to the back so it is not come up ontop of the window
you are looking at the time it is loaded.
2-2.10 Bit Planes [0-4]
This setting is for the number of bitplanes you would like to open
screens on.
Recommended setting of: 3 (8 colors)
Setting of 0: (Workbench) - Opens screen on Workbench.
Setting of 1: (2 colors)
Setting of 2: (4 colors)
Setting of 3: (8 colors)
Setting of 4: (16 colors) NOTE: Not much point in this setting really.
Notes: The higher the setting, the slower the operation of the
computer, also if you set it lower than 3, your colors will
not always show up properly. Most cases you will use 3.
2-2.11 Interlace Mode
This makes Tempest screens open up in full interlace mode.
2-2.12 OverScan Mode
This makes Tempest screens open up in full overscan mode. If you do
not have full overscan on your screens, then you may not be able to
see all text on the Tempest window when this is set on.
2-2.13 Half Screen Mode
This makes Temepst screens open up in half height mode. Text scrolls
are faster since it has half the text to scroll, however account editor
and other operations of the bbs may be impossible since most things are
based on the regular screen size.
Recommended setting of: Off
2-2.14 Use Tilde Codes in Text Files
This allows the use or non-use of the ~ tilde commands to insert text
into text files.
Recommended setting of: Yes
2-2.15 Sleep Logoff Timeout (in minutes)
This is the setting set to control the idle time of a user online. If
a user is sitting on the bbs and not hitting any key, this timer will
activate an automatic kick off of the user if he does not hit a key
in the specified amount of minutes.
Recommended setting of: 5 (5 Minutes)
2-2.16 Upload File Type Prompt
This setting determins whether uploaded files will be automaticly
public or if a prompt will come up asking if the file is to be
public, sysop, or password protected.
Recommended setting of: Off or No Prompt
(S)ysop file, (P)assword Protect, (N)ormal file
2-2.17 Minimum Access Level, this node
This is the minimum access level that is allowed on the given node.
So you can lock out users below a certain level on a certain node.
Perhaps you have a private node that you want only certain members
to be able to logon, then you could use this to control that.
2-2.18 Password: Needed to logon node
This is the optional definable password you can use to lock out any
users from a given node that do not know this password.
2-2.22 Callers Log
This turns the callers log on/off. The callers log records connects,
logoffs, and other activity of users on the bbs.
Recommended setting of: On
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
PRT: = Log is active, output to printer.
Off = Log is not active, and so is the other logs attached to
the callers log, such as: Doors, Msg, File Transfer logs.
2-2.23 CL: Msg Base
This turns the Msg Activity part of the callers log on/off. Info on
messages that have been posted, etc.
Recommended setting of: On
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
Off = Log is not active
2-2.24 CL: File Transfer
This turns the File Transfer Activity part of the callers log on/off.
Info on uploads, downloads, etc.
Recommended setting of: On
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
Off = Log is not active
2-2.25 CL: Doors
This turns the Door Activity part of the callers log on/off. Info on
doors entered, exited by users.
Recommended setting of: On
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
Off = Log is not active
2-2.26 SysopActivity Log
This turns the sysop activity log on/off. This log records all sysop
related activity to a seperate log with time/date stamp and user's
handle along with whatever activity they performed. Nice log to keep
track and monitor sysop and co-sysop activity to make sure their
access is not abused!
Recommended setting of: On
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
PRT: = Log is active, output to printer.
Off = Log is not active.
2-2.27 Debug Log
This turns the debug log on/off. This log records some debug
information for sysops and programmers to debug problems with the
bbs's setup.
Recommended setting of: Off
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
PRT: = Log is active, output to printer.
Off = Log is not active.
2-2.28 Capture Log
This turns the Capture on/off. This will capture everything the users
see and type. Just as if you were the user capturing his call.
Recommended setting of: Off!!!
WARNING: This log slows the computer up alot when on. Should not be
used unless required! You can turn this log on/off by a
certain user calling, in the account editor flags. That is
recommended over leaving the log on for all users.
On = Log is active, saves to text file.
PRT: = Log is active, output to printer.
Off = Log is not active.
2-2.29 Capture Log Filter
This option will filter out all ansi codes in the captured text of a
Recommended setting of: On
2.3 Define Major Paths Menu
1) Accounts.Data Path: TEMPEST:
2) Accounts Info Path: TEMPEST:ACCOUNTS/
3) Bad Archives Path.: FILES:BadArchives/
4) Catalog Files Path: TEMPEST:CATALOGS/
5) Doors Area Path...: TEMPEST:DOORS/
6) Log Files Path....: TEMPEST:LOGS/
7) Modules Area Path.: TEMPEST:MODULES/
8) Optional Dir Path.: TEMPEST:OPTIONAL/
9) Scripts Dir Path..: TEMPEST:SCRIPTS/
10) Resume Dir Path...: FILES:RESUME/
11) Sysop Holding Path: FILES:HOLD/
12) Extended File Desc: FILES:EXT/
13) Upload Work Area..: WORK1:
14) Text Dir Path.....: TEMPEST:TEXT/
15) Describe Dir Path.: TEMPEST:DESCRIBE/
16) Open Local Shell..: NewShell
17) Drop-2-Dos Shell..: NewShell
18) Global Icon Size..: 0 10 450 30
19) OverRide Icon Size:
2-3.1 Accounts.Data Path
Path where your accounts.data & accounts.inx file are located.
2-3.2 Accounts Info Path
Path where your Applications & FlaggedFiles Directories will be stored.
Applications Dir contains all answers to new user questions.
FlaggedFiles Dir contains saved lists of flagged files of users who
have lost carrier. So that when they call back
the lists of flagged files are kept!
2-3.3 Bad Archives Path
Path where all files that fail the archive checking are stored.
Makes it easy to delete all bad archives from a script, etc.
2-3.4 Catalog Files Path
Path where your catalog (File Listings) files are stored, along with
their index files that go with each catalog file.
2-3.5 Doors Area Path
Path where your doors are located for the bbs.
2-3.6 Log Files Path
Path where your logs are stored. All nodes use the same path since
every log file has its own node extension.
2-3.7 Modules Area Path
Path where your module doors are stored.
2-3.8 Optional Dir Path
Path where your optional (.opt) files are stored.
2-3.9 Scripts Dir Path
Path where all Tempest scripts are located.
2-3.10 Resume Dir Path
Path where user's incomplete file are stored along with any files
that were completed with no description entered.
`xxx extention = incomplete upload and which user the file belongs to.
^xxx extention = complete upload that has no description and is waiting
for the user to call back to enter descriptions and
put the file online.
2-3.11 Sysop Holding Path
Path where un-validated files are stored until they are put online by
a sysop.
2-3.12 Extended File Desc
Path where your extended description files are stored.
2-3.13 Upload Work Area
Path where a user's uploads will go to while they are uploading the
actual files. This directory must contain a DONE directory inside of
it for storing the files that are complete during batch uploads.
2-3.14 Text Dir Path
Path where most of your text files are stored for the bbs.
2-3.15 Describe Dir Path
Path where other text files are stored about different areas.
2-3.16 Open Local Shell
Type of shell to open up, and parameters for opening the shell.
This is the shell you open up by telling tempest to spawn a shell
for the sysop to use in background.
2-3.17 Drop-2-Dos Shell
Type of shell to open up, and parameters for opening the shell.
This is the shell for drop to dos through the bbs.
2-3.18 Global Icon Size
This is where you define the opening position and size of your iconify
window for the first node and then all other nodes, which don't have
an OverRide size defined, will open directly under this node's position
all in order like a server would look like.
2-3.19 OverRide Icon Size
This is where you define an OverRide opening position and size of your
iconify window for the current node and Over Rides the global setting.
If you want to use the global icon size, you must leave this entry
totaly blank.
2.4 Modem Settings Menu
1) Serial Device Name...............: serial.device
2) Serial Device Unit Number........: 0
3) Front End Mode...................: Normal: BBS Answers Phone
4) Open in Shared Serial Mode.......: No
5) Modem Initialize String..........: ATE0
6) Modem Reset String...............: ATE0
7) Modem Answer String..............: ATA
8) Modem Ring Detect String.........: RING
9) Modem Hangup String..............: ~~~+++~~~ATH
10) Modem Off Hook String (Busy).....: ATH1
11) Modem On Hook String (Not Busy).: ATH0
12) Fixed / Variable DTE Rate........: Fixed DTE
13) Maximum Baud DTE Rate............: 19200
14) Minimum Baud Rate Connect........: 2400
15) XON/XOFF [On/Off]................: Off
16) 7 Wire (CTS/RTS HandShaking).....: On
17) Rad Boggie (9600+ Baud)..........: On
18) Serial Flush (for A2232).........: Don't Flush (Normal Default)
19) Drop DTR on Logoff...............: Yes
20) Force Carrier Drop...............: No
21) Secs to wait for Connect (Std=40): 40
2-4.1 Serial Device Name
This is where you define your serial device name.
Do NOT add a path, only the actual name!
WARNING: It is case sensitive, has to be EXACTLY the same as the name
on disk.
2-4.2 Serial Device Unit Number
This is the actual unit number of the serial port for this node.
Amiga internal serial port is device number 0.
A2232 cards start at device number 2-up.
2-4.3 Front End Mode
This is used only if you are going to use a front end utility like
TrapDoor to answer the phone and then have skel-trap transfer control
of the call to the bbs. Otherwise you will always have it set to
Normal: BBS Answers Phone
If you have this turned on, you must also have shared serial mode on.
2-4.4 Open in Shared Serial Mode
This is to have Tempest open the serial port in shared serail mode.
Never use this unless you are using a front end utility.
Recommended setting of: Off
2-4.5 Modem Initialize String
This is where you define your modem init string to be sent to the
modem upon loading the node.
2-4.6 Modem Reset String
Modem string sent to the modem after a user logs off, or the bbs
resets the line.
2-4.7 Modem Answer String
Modem string sent to the modem when it is answering a call.
Recommended setting of: ATA
2-4.8 Modem Ring Detect String
Modem string for detecting a call.
Recommended setting of: RING
2-4.9 Modem Hangup String
Modem string sent to the modem to kick a user offline.
~~~ATH0 = Amiga Serial Type Example
~~~+++~~~ATH = A2232 Serial Type Example
2-4.10 Modem Off Hook String (Busy)
Modem string sent to the modem when it needs to be taken offline,
where the modem will have a busy status.
Recommended setting of: ATH1
2-4.11 Modem On Hook String (Not Busy)
Modem string sent to the modem when it is to be taken offline and
left at normal status, not busy.
Recommended setting of: ATH0
2-4.12 Fixed / Variable DTE Rate
This is a setting to determine DTE Rate speed.
Recommended setting of: Fixed DTE Rate
DTE is defined as: The rate the Computer & Modem communicate at! Has
nothing to do with modem speeds!
Fixed DTE Rate = Use Maximum DTE rate between computer and modem.
This is what everyone should be using!
Variable DTE Rate = This changes the DTE rate to whatever the current
callers buad rate is set to. So if the user is at
2400 baud, Your computer would communicate to the
modem at the same speed which is bad. Don't use
this setting.
2-4.13 Maximum Baud DTE Rate
This is your maximum DTE rate allowed by your modem to communicate
with the computer.
A2232 Serial Cards can only use maximum of 19200
Amiga Serial Port would use a setting of 38400
2-4.14 Minimum Baud Rate Connect
This is the minimum baud rate a user is allowed to be at. Anything
slower than this specified baud rate will just display the too slow
text in the text directory and kick the user off.
2-4.15 XON/XOFF [On/Off]
Turn XON/XOFF on/off. Should always be off as far as I am concerned.
Recommended setting of: Off!!!
2-4.16 7 Wire (CTS/RTS HandShaking)
Turn CTS/RTS Handshaking on/off.
Recommended setting of: On (CTS/RTS)
2-4.17 Rad Boggie (9600+ Baud)
This is an "overdrive" option, and ONLY works on bauds 9600 and
above. Users will get slightly better CPS rates with this on.
If you are running Tempest with a 2400 baud modem, then this may
cause errors if selected.
Recommended setting of: On (9600+ Baud Modem)
Recommended setting of: Off (below 9600+ Baud Modem)
2-4.18 Serial Flush (for A2232)
Whether or not to flush the serial buffers, normaly only for A2232
Serial Card.
Recommended setting of: Off, UNLESS you have A2232 Card!
2-4.19 Drop DTR on Logoff
Whether to drop the DTR when hanging up.
Recommended Setting of: On
2-4.20 Force Carrier Drop
This will check to make sure the user was logged off the bbs properly
and if not it loops and attempts to hang them up again. I suggest
leaving this off.
Recommended setting of: Off
2-4.21 Secs to wait for Connect (Std=40)
Seconds the modem waits for a connect before resetting modem for a new
Recommended setting of: 35-45
2.5 Node Flags (Customize BBS) Menu
00|Bulletins During Logon.: 20|Extended Description...:
01|Stats During Logon.....: 21|Link Msg -> File Area..:
02|Skip Logon/Logoff......: 22|Allow FileBase Rejoin..:
03|Welcome Bulletin.......: 23|List Missing Text Files:
04|Allow Anonymous Msg's..: 24|Count Aborted Bytes....:
05|Allow Password Msg's...: 25|Count Aborted Files....:
06|Allow Password Files...: 26|Cnt Resumed Bytes Only.:
07|Msg to Next Caller.....: 27|Allow Hiding from Who..:
08|Chat Active on Boot....: 28|Remove Logon Stats.....:
09|Real Name Only.........: 29|[Return] Msg Prompt....:
10|.......................: 30|Uploaders Name in Desc.:
11|Hide Copy/Move Paths...: 31|Select Dest. On Uploads:
12|Ask [WHY] before chat..: 32|Detect File_id.diz.....:
13|Hide PW on Display.....: 33|Auto Use File_id.diz...:
14|[G] = Prompt (Y/n/m)...: 34|Make File_id.diz.......:
15|Allow Sysop drop to dos: 35|Auto Make File_id.diz..:
16|Ask New User Questions.: 36|Guest Logon Ability....:
17|Color on Sysop Screen..: 37|Stealth Mode Pass Entry:
18|.......................: 38|Strip Ansi on File_Id's:
19|User Break Chat........: 39|Who Door on logon......:
2-5.0 Bulletins During Logon
This flag will make the bulletins menu come up upon users loging on.
User can only use this option if thier personal user flag is set on for
this function.
2-5.1 Stats During Logon
This flag will make the users status info come up upon loging on.
2-5.2 Skip Logon/Logoff
This flag disables the viewing of logon and logoff screens for the
2-5.3 Welcome Bulletin
This flag will make the Text-Welcome text file be displayed upon
users loging on.
User can only use this option if thier personal user flag is set on for
this function.
2-5.4 Allow Anonymous Msg's
This flag will make it possible for users to leave anonymous msg's.
User can only use this option if thier personal user flag is set on for
this function.
2-5.5 Allow Password Msg's
This flag will make it possible for users to leave password protected
2-5.6 Allow Password Files
This flag will make it possible for users to post password protected
2-5.7 Msg To Next Caller
This flag will make it possible for users to post msgs to the next
User can only use this option if thier personal user flag is set on for
this function.
2-5.8 Chat Active On Boot
This flag sets whether or not the Sysop Available for Chat flag is to
be set on or off as default upon loading Tempest.
2-5.9 Real Name Only
This flag makes it so user's applying get asked for real name only, and
handles/alias's are not used at all!
2-5.10 [Not Used!]
2-5.11 Hide Copy/Move Paths
This flag will hide all displays of full paths when Tempest is copy/moving
files from one area to another.
Recommended Setting of Off for real nodes!
2-5.12 Ask [WHY] before chat
This flag determins whether the bbs asks for a reason or not when a user
pages the sysop.
2-5.13 Hide PW on Display
This flag will hide the password display on the sysop's local computer.
2-5.14 [G] = Prompt (Y/n/m)
Whether or not the user gets a logoff menu prompt or just logsoff the
bbs directly without logoff menu.
2-5.15 Allow Sysop drop to dos
This flag turns on/off the ability to drop to dos for this node.
2-5.16 Ask New User Questions
Whether you want the bbs to ask new users the new user questions
or not.
2-5.17 Color on Sysop Screen
Whether or not you want color on the sysop's screen.
2-5.18 [ Not Used ]
2-5.19 User Break Chat
Whether or not you want users to be able to break out of sysop chat.
2-5.20 Extended Description
2-5.21 Link Msg -> File Area
Whether you want the msg/file areas linked togeather as one conference
or you want them to be seperated as msg / file areas.
2-5.22 Allow FileBase Rejoin
Whether bbs has user rejoin msg area everytime or bbs allows user to
re-join the file area they were in last.
2-5.23 List Missing Text Files
This Flag turns on the display of every text file that comes up missing
so you are aware of it. Sort of a debug tool.
2-5.24 Count Aborted Bytes
This flag will make the bbs count all downloaded bytes, even if user
aborts transfer.
2-5.25 Count Aborted Files
This flag will make the bbs count all downloaded files, even if user
aborts tranfer.
2-5.26 Cnt Resumed Bytes Only
This flag makes the bbs count only resumed bytes.
2-5.27 Allow Hiding from Who
Whether you allow users to hide from other nodes or not.
2-5.28 Remove Logon Stats
Whether or not you want the security text to be displayed upon users
loging on.
Baud rates below xxxxx can not upload this hour.
Baud rates below xxxxx can not download this hour.
Access Levels below xxxx can not logon this hour.
2-5.29 [Return] Msg Prompt
Whether you want the commands prompt to come up in the message editor
with a simple return or with the '/', '.' type keys.
2-5.30 Uploaders Name in Desc
Flag to turn on/off the display of uploaders names in the file listings.
2-5.31 Select Dest. On Uploads
Whether you want the bbs to ask for destination directory after uploads
of if you want the bbs to auto use the area the user is in for
2-5.32 Detect File_id.diz
This flag will make the bbs detect file_id files and ask the user
if they want to use it, unless flag 33 is set on, in which it will
use it no matter what.
2-5.33 Auto Use File_id.diz
This flag will make the bbs use file_id files for descriptions
automaticly without asking user if they want to.
For this flag to work, you must have flag 32 on.
2-5.34 Make File_id.diz
This flag makes the bbs create file_id's. If flag 35 is set off then
the bbs will prompt the user if they wish to install the file_id file.
2-5.35 Auto Make File_id.diz
This flag will make the bbs create file_id files and install them
automaticly no matter what.
For this flag to work, you must have flag 34 on.
2-5.36 Guest Logon Ability
Whether or not you allow guest logons.
2-5.37 Stealth Mode Pass Entry
Whether system password entry is asked before any text is displayed, or
if it is displayed after connect msg info.
2-5.38 Strip Ansi on File_Id's
Whether you want ansi stripped out of file_id's or not.
2-5.39 Who Door on logon
Whether or not the online users display will show upon users loging on.
2.6 Message Base Editing (Split)
This option allows you to customize and configure up to
forty different message conferences
When you choose this option you are presented with a menu
screen of 40 slots, these are the message base slots.
Conference 0 is already pre-configured for E-Mail in the
BBS. Except for the maximum number of messages allowed in
the conference, this area should NOT be changed, although
you could change the name and path of the conference. The
BBS will still see it as the E-Mail conference.
To configure a message base, select the number of the
conference you wish to activate. At this time you are
presented with a five item menu that looks something like
Message Base Number : #
Name of Message Base : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Description of Base : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Path of Message Storage : .........../
Max number of Messages : 5-999
The prompt will start on line two of this menu, as YOU
MAY NOT CHANGE the number of a conference. The name and
Description of the Message base is just that. They are up
to your imagination and ingenuity.
The Path is the COMPLETE path, OR Assign, for that msg
The various paths used in the above settings should not
excede 28 characters in length. If you have a long
pathname, assign it to a relatively short logical name using
the amigados ASSIGN command, and then set your path to the
assign device name. For example:
Full Path Names
and set paths in the BBS setup as:
Area 1: MSG:AREA_1
Area 2: MSG:AREA_2
You will find this not only useful when adding more
paths, but much easier to work with when outside of the BBS.
Also, it is a good idea in general not to include spaces in
your pathnames, use underscores and dashes instead.
Although not necessary, working with your msgbase areas in
Amigados CLI and others is much easier if you do not use
2.7 File Base Editing (Split)
Notice that Conference 0 is configured for F-Mail. This
means that users can send PRIVATE files between each other,
WITHOUT posting them on the BBS, as well as to you the
SYSOP. Likewise, you can send a file to a user that doesn't
have to be posted public on the BBS, and it will go to ONLY
that user!
This is an Excellent feature if you get requests for your
startup-sequence, etc, which you would NEVER post on your
BBS. You can send it to the user in need, without
cluttering the BBS with such mundane files.
The configuration screen for the File Areas looks like this;
File Base Area : #
Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Description : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Final Upload Path : xxxxxxxxx/
description are your own ideas.
The Final Upload Path is the location the BBS will MOVE
the received files to from the previously defined Major BBS
Directory path for the Upload Work Area. Although not
necessary, many Sysops find it easier to have an unique
directory for each file conference. Also you must have the
'/' on the end of any path containing a directory name.
After filling in the necessary data, you are presented
with the option to activate the conference as an (U)pload,
(D)ownload, (B)oth (default) or (N) Toggled Off conference.
The status of each conference is indicated before the
conference name of the file area summary screen.
2.8 Conference Editing (Joined)
2.9 Min. Logon Baud Rates
Definable baud rates for connection, uploading, and downloading.
Upon selecting this item, you will be presented with a summary screen
representing the 24 hours of the day marked in military time (23 = 11:00
pm). Type in the hour you wish to allocate, or type N for new user
registration, at which time you will be asked to set the MINIMUM baud rate
for Connection, Upload, or Download. For the New User, you will be asked
at which MINIMUM baud rate to allow registration. The New User baud rate
is in effect 24 hours a day. It should be noted, the BBS will NOT
disconnect a user who is already logged in when a minimum baud rate
becomes effective. For example, User # 5 logs in at 9:56 am at 2400 baud
and you have 9600 defined as the minimum for 10:00am; The BBS will not
disconnect User #5 at 10:00. however he will not be able to call back in
after 10:00 am unless a new minimum goes into effect.
2.10 Min. Logon Security Levels
Much Like the `Min. Logon Baud Rates' definition, this screen allows you
to configure the Security time slots. Again, This will not disconnect a
Caller who is already online when a minimum security level higher than his
goes into effect.
When you pick the hour to configure, the BBS will prompt you with a
request for a minimum security level for each quarter of an hour (15 mins
after, 30 mins after, etc) during that time slot, this allow realistic
flexibility to the security reservation menu.
2.11 F-Keys Offline
This allows you to change the F-Keys around to meet your needs. if you
have menu mode selected in Internal Variables, these settings are ignored.
2.12 F-Keys Online
This allows you to change the F-Keys around to meet your needs. if you
have menu mode selected in Internal Variables, these settings are ignored.
2.13 New User Questions
When you select this option you are shown a screen with fifteen possible
slots for questions. Type the number of the question you want to
configure, and type in your question, if you need more than one line for a
question, hit return at the end of the first line (or second, etc.), and
then type a 0 for the number of lines for the response, continue the
question on the next line until finished, on the last line enter the
number of lines you wish to allow for the response. Maximum number of
lines for a response is nine.
2.14 Adjust the Colors
The colors are displayed the same as the BBS interprets them, and
are adjusted using decimal values from 0 to 4095. (Not case sensitive)
1 0 - 0 (NONE)
2 4095 - FFF (WHITE)
3 240 - F0 (GREEN)
4 4080 - FF0 (YELLOW)
5 15 - F (BLUE)
6 3855 - F0F (PURPLE)
7 255 - FF (CYAN)
8 3840 - F00 (RED)
8. Account Presets
This menu allows you to configure up to 7 account
Presets and one New User Preset.
The New User Preset includes the option to credit a new
caller with an automatic amount of upload files and bytes.
After choosing this menu you are present with a list of
the 8 possible settings, You may change all of the settings
of the New User, except for the Description. Choose which
setting you wish to change and when you are presented with
the configuration screen, use the menus to set the accounts
with the access levels, message and file area flags, ratios,
etc.. you wish to have on hand for quick account editing.
Read the section on configuring users accounts for
descriptions of all variables and option flags.
13. Global Account Editing
This option allows you to adjust Ranges of Accounts using
the previously defined Account Presets.
Upon selection of this option, you will be prompted for a
low-end security level, and a high-end security level. You
will then be asked which preset to use. After these steps,
you will be given the option of not changing certain
specifics about the accounts. You will be given one final
BAIL-OUT chance before the program begins to re-write your
ACCOUNTS.DATA file. It is a good idea to have a backup of
the ACCOUNTS.DATA file before attempting Global Editing. If
you choose to proceed with the Global Edit, the program will
go through your accounts.dat file and edit all users with
the low-end and high-end you specified. It should be noted
that the low-end and high-end values are inclusive.
19. Remove deleted files
This will go through one or more catalogs, and removed files from
the drive that are flagged to be deleted.
20. Remove Deleted Accounts
This will go through the Accounts.Data and remove any account that
has a Slot Number equal to zero. (This is set for you when you edit
the account and choose "D" for delete.) This option reads one
account at a time from the Accounts.Data file, then if the user is
valid, it writes it back out to RAM:Accounts.Data. When it's
finished, it copies it back to your root BBS directory, saving
the original as a Accounts.Data.BK file.
21. Sort Users by Security Level
WARNING! You MUST set the stack BEFORE running BBSConfig to at LEAST
the SIZE of the Accounts.Data file to use this option. FAILURE to
do so WILL cause a crash and reboot the system! Use the AmigaDOS
command "STACK" to set the stack size. For example, if your
Accounts.Data file is 250,000 bytes, you would type :
STACK 250000 before running BBSConfig.
This option should NEVER EVER be run from the BBSConfig.MOD, as
you may NOT be the same account as when you called! This WILL
mess up your accounts.data file PERMANENTLY!
22. Make a list of BBS areas
This will ask you for an output filename, then list all avaliable
message and file bases, with their descriptions and area numbers.
This option will create all the correct default directories, the
text files that go into the BBS:TEXT dir, and setup some default
configurations for you. You must then edit each file to suit your
personal preferences.
24. Make Describe Files
Use this option after creating ALL of your message and file areas.
It will create a little blurb that will tell the user what area
they are in, etc. while online, and joining different areas.